Psychology of Music November 2012

The major articles published in the latest Psychology of Music are listed below.  You can see the complete table of contents here:

Authors:  Marion Long, Susan Hallam, Andrea Creech, Helena Gaunt, and Linnhe Robertson
Title:  Do prior experience, gender, or level of study influence music students’ perspectives on master classes?
Pages:  683-699, first published on April 13, 2011 doi:10.1177/0305735610394709

Authors:  William Forde Thompson, E. Glenn Schellenberg, and Adriana Katharine Letnic
Title:  Fast and loud background music disrupts reading comprehension
Pages: 700-708, first published on May 20, 2011 doi:10.1177/0305735611400173
From the abstract:  “…listening to background instrumental music is most likely to disrupt reading comprehension when the music is fast and loud.”

Authors:  Joanne P. S. Yeoh and  Adrian C. North
Title:  The effect of musical fit on consumers’ preferences between competing alternate petrols
Pages:  709-719, first published on October 12, 2011 doi:10.1177/0305735611408994
From the abstract:  “…musical ‘fit’ can influence product choice when consumers do not have a clear existing preference for one product over another, but is otherwise of limited commercial value.”

Author:  Diana Blom
Title:  Inside the collaborative inter-arts improvisatory process: Tertiary music students’ perspectives
Pages:  720-737, first published on May 9, 2011 doi:10.1177/0305735611401127

Authors:  Naomi Ziv, Moran Hoftman, and Mor Geyer
Title:  Music and moral judgment: The effect of background music on the evaluation of ads promoting unethical behavior
Pages:  738-760, first published on July 4, 2011 doi:10.1177/0305735611406579
From the abstract: “…In all the studies, background music led to reduced recall of information. Positive-valence music reduced awareness of the unethical message, and increased acceptance of the product. The results demonstrate the power of music to manipulate and bias moral judgment.”

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